Home Desert Life Salton Sea As it turns out, no one wants a Salton Sea license plate

As it turns out, no one wants a Salton Sea license plate

As it turns out, no one wants a Salton Sea license plate
Thanks for the smell, Salton Sea

While many Californians would like to see something done to save the Salton Sea, hardly any want to share this desire with the vehicle at the stop light in back of them.

As the Desert Sun reports, “Save the Salton Sea” license plates failed to reach the pre-register goal of 7,500 orders by just a smidge. I should note here, a smidge in this context is 7,349 as only 151 people signed up for the plates – which would have costed $50 to $98.

The plates had been promoted for the last 2 years after legislation was passed by then-Assembly member Brian Nestande, a man who clearly had his finger on the pulse of California drivers.

The newspaper also notes that the plates failed, “despite the PR efforts of the Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau and others”. Assuming here that “and others” referred to Cactus Hugs – as back in 2015, we suggested quite a few amazing personalized plate ideas:





