Home Desert Life Valley Snowbird is just furious that you don’t worship him

Valley Snowbird is just furious that you don’t worship him

Valley Snowbird is just furious that you don’t worship him

A Coachella Valley Snowbird, who is just furious with you for noticing that lines at the Costco are longer this time of year, took the time to log on and submit a letter to the editor of the Desert Sun this week to let you know just how pissed off he is that you, a local, don’t spend your days and nights worshipping the ground he walks on.

Via the Desert Sun:

The valley needs snowbirds


My wife and I have enjoyed spending the winters in the desert for the past 20 years. Many of our friends are permanent residents that welcome us back when we return.


Unfortunately, we have recently come across some disturbing incidents.

Okay, there is more to come, but let’s take a moment here and prepare ourselves as we are about to learn of some “disturbing incidents” that are likely to frighten and startle you.  You may want to sit down and make sure you are holding your phone tight, as it’s possible you may be shaken enough to drop it after learning what has been going on behind the Snowbirds’ backs in this town for what may be as long as 20 years.

Okay, now deep a breath.  Are you ready?  Well, at least as ready as you can be?  Another deep breath, hold that phone tight and, here we go…

Recently, while waiting for a stoplight, I noticed the vehicle in front had a license frame that read “GO HOME NOW SNOWBIRDS.” Also, at the checkout at Costco, the customer behind us remarked that the long line was due to those “(expletive) snowbirds.”

Stunning and, I mean, HOW DARE YOU!!!!!  Also, quick show of hands. How many of you believe that this license plate frame mentioned above actually exists?  And it’s all in caps?  With the word “now” to really emphasize things? I mean, it could exist, but also, it seems more likely that maybe it doesn’t.

Also, and this is just a fact, the lines at Costco are, indeed, pretty fucking long this time of year with people buying fiber pills and giant bottles of vodka.

Okay, let’s get back to it:

I would hope the majority of your readers are aware that Palm Springs came to be because of tourism, first from L.A., now from all across North America. The influx of snowbirds is a tribute to the success of its tourism industry, not a negative. The restaurant, hotel and golf industries wouldn’t exist without us.


To believe that everything would remain the same and there would be more room for permanent residents if we would just stay away is naïve, to say the least.

Yes, reader, stop being so flippin’ naïve already and take a knee and kiss the ring of this and other Coachella Valley Snowbirds.

Then go out and get a “WE LOVE OUR SNOWBIRDS” license plate frame for your car and just be happy that it takes you 30 minutes to buy your damn rotisserie chicken and Kirkland wine.


  1. Boomer Birds and their nasty open toe sandals and nickel and diming local employees and snapping at them. You can observe this at Ralphs in LQ and any establishment around here, the passive aggressive thrifty Canadian is actually thee worst thing going out here.. Its also so nice to see empty shelves recently because these old coots are hoarding supplies for their SECOND houses, go home. I am so F…..tired of NEEDING DOCTORS APPOINTMENTS but EVERY PLACE is booked past April. Why? The old coots , just because they can get doctors appointments like its some fun special day. Its a circut, that they seem to enjoy? They clog up our healthcare system and citizens actually cant even get doctor appointments, because Erma and Rollie just go because they can. Try to get a doctor appointment in Rancho Mirage or PD, doesnt matter how urgent, because Ethel and Frank are easy money for these chop shop Doctors that treat the situation like a Cattle beef ranch.

  2. Why is there so much hate, bitterness, and irritation in the world. It was always happening somewhere else, but now it’s in our schools, our churches, our social medium and our streets. Good luck kids, it’s something you are inherenting.

  3. I always appreciate the snowbirds coming here. The valley is full of laughter, the entertainment venues are pumping out events nonstop, and I personally enjoy all the diverse nations that visit here at this time of year. Yesterday I spoke with a family here from Tonga, some kids from Nova Scotia, and a couple from Brazil. If you take the time to speak to strangers, you learn so much about the world and its customs and cultures. Try talking to them, instead of criticizing them, and your world will be richer too.

  4. I once had a bumper sticker that said “Welcome to California…Now Go Home”. I had snowbirds living on both sides of me and three a houses directly across the street. I kept getting dirty looks. Can’t figured out why.

  5. Yup, we have the same issue all summer long on the coast of Oregon. Every restaurant, grocery store and gas station is backed up with Calif. license plates. A lot of the time we can’t even get out of our driveways because the streets are packed with, “ovenbirds”. One of the main reasons we come down here in the winter is so that we can park in a Californian’s driveway and walk across THEIR lawns in our ridiculous open toed sandals.

  6. I honestly have not seen or heard anyone disparaging snowbirds (and yes, I’m a full-time resident of Palm Springs). I appreciate their influx of money to the valley. Yes, there are crowds in the winter but compared to other places, life here is still great and much more relaxed than areas like Pasadena. My only quibble is with the occasional weekenders partying too loudly in the Airbnb next door, but a quick call to the Hotline can usually take care of that.

  7. Actually I say to the snowbirds the same thing I said to the people who were critical concerning Trump’s comments on the windmills, including this publication. So what and STFU, eh More important things to worry about.

  8. I’ve been a full-time resident of the desert for 20 years (and a frequent visitor for 25 years before that). I LOVE that I am fortunate to live in an area that attracts people from all over the world, not only to vacation here but to live here part-time, and while doing so, supporting our property values and our restaurants and other businesses. Other than the original tribe residents of the desert, nearly all of us visited then moved here because it’s an awesome place to be. Tourists and snowbirds don’t corner the market on bad drivers, bad manners, or bad anything else, as you can see by some of the snotty, arrogant and disrespectful locals who think they own this place.

  9. From the Desert Sun – The Coachella Valley’s tourism industry continued to grow last year, bringing in roughly 13.6 million visitors spending more than $5.5 billion in the greater Palm Springs area, according to an economic impact report released Thursday.

    Overall, The Coachella Valley’s leading industry carried a $7 billion economic impact in 2017 – a 9 percent increase over 2015, as reported by Pennsylvania-based Economic Tourism, which conducted the study for the Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau.

    And please don’t forget that snowbirds are from all over the US including other parts of California, Oregon, Washington, Florida, Maine,etc.

    Your welcome.

  10. Never ceases to amaze me how people will choose to live in a tourist area that has *been* a tourist area since before they were born, and then bitch about tourists. The same tourists whose tax revenues pay for their infrastructure and make the place they live into far nicer place than the ****hole it would be without all those tax revenues. What would this area be without tourists? Parched, dead, and DESERTed. Buy a clue, you ungrateful, inhospitable people. And yes, I live here all year, not a snowbird.