Video: dirt biker jumps over 60 Freeway in the Badlands outside of Beaumont

Yeah, the cops are not happy about this...

An Instagram video showing a dirt biker jumping the 60 Freeway has over 100,000 views. It also might end up getting the jumper and his crew charged by authorities.

The jump, which took place in the Badlands between Beaumont and Moreno Valley was captured on video, along with the setup of a makeshift jump.

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Naturally, the authorities were not pleased to see the video.

“We want to impress upon people that this was a dangerous stunt and somebody could have lost their life on that highway,” Terri Kasinga, a Caltrans public information officer told the LA Times. “This could have turned into a tragic situation and we hope never to see this again.”

Caltrans crews were called out to destroy the jump over the weekend and now the California Highway Patrol is investigating.

CHP Officer Darren Meyer told the Press Enterprise that it is illegal to shovel a path into protected land, and to recklessly endanger other motorists by driving directly over them. Both charges, which are misdemeanors, may be pursued by authorities once they identify those involved.

“It certainly was an impressive jump and the Highway Patrol is glad that nobody got hurt, but it’s against the law and our ultimate goal is to ensure that motorists get to their destination safely,” Meyer said.

The video was posted on the account of Kyle Katsandris – a 24-year-old motocross enthusiast from San Clemente – and is one of many photos and videos of dirt bike jumps.