Home News Video: middle school kids chant ‘build that wall’

Video: middle school kids chant ‘build that wall’

Video: middle school kids chant ‘build that wall’


The days following the election have been surreal in the United States. Incidents of hate and bigotry have been happening all over the country from a student handing out “deportation letters” to graffiti proclaiming a “White America” and “Trump” at a Minnesota High School to a Muslim San Diego State student claiming she was robbed by Trump supporters. Now video has surfaced of middle school students chanting “build that wall” in Michigan the day after the election.

The Facebook post stated, “This happened today at Royal Oak Middle School in Royal Oak Michigan. It is so sad. Latino children were crying. The taunts, the ‘Build that Wall’ with such bullying power and hate from children to children. Just Horrifying!”

“We addressed this incident when it occurred. We are addressing it today,” Royal Oak Schools superintendent Shawn Lewis-Lakin said in a statement today. “We are working with our students to help them understand the impact of their words and actions on others in their school community,” the statement continued.

America is better than this.

Isn’t it?