Home Festivals Coachella Video: that time the local news did a bonkers report from Coachella Fest

Video: that time the local news did a bonkers report from Coachella Fest

Video: that time the local news did a bonkers report from Coachella Fest

A few years back, Local 2 reporter David Wohl attempted to broadcast live from inside of Coachella, which is not allowed without permission, seeing as it is private property and all. Wohl, who is an attorney (!), ignored the rules to do one of the weirdest live shots in local news history.


Some highlights:

  • 1:27: Wohl claims to have “no idea” who festival security is.  Sure.
  • 1:40: “Let’s go live”.  Sure, seems like a great idea.
  • 2:00: A weird as hell “dance” begins between the security trying to get in the way of the shot and Wohl, who is basically begging to be thrown out (with the camera rolling) at this point.
  • 2:33: “You have no identification.”
  • 2:34: “Yes, I do.” *shows wristband ID*
  • 3:20: “Tell Andrea, we will go live because they are trying to throw us off,” – Wohl not trying at all to escalate things.
  • 4:21: Wohl actually goes live with one of the weirdest damn things you will ever see
  • 4:47: Wohl may actually assault someone
  • 4:52: Wohl starts naming off things that can and can’t be brought into the venue because he thinks people will just think this is a regular ol’ report now?
  • 6:20: “It’s kind of an ugly situation”.

Yes.  Yes it is.