Home Festivals Coachella Wanna Work The Coachella and Stagecoach Fests?

Wanna Work The Coachella and Stagecoach Fests?

Wanna Work The Coachella and Stagecoach Fests?
(via Flickr)

Want to perform on stage at Coachella Fest? Well, too bad…those gigs are already booked. But, you can make some cash this year working the festival (and The Stagecoach Fest) in other positions.

A job fair will take place Friday, February 13th from 10am to 2pm at The Eldorado Clubhouse (50950 Madison St.) in Indio.

Positions to be filled include customer service, stagehands, camping, lost & found, and more.

Interviews will be conducted on a first-come first serve-basis so be punctual people! Applications will be made available the day of the interviews.

Good luck.