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Watch an Inspiring Soldier Who Refuses to Quit at the End of 12 Mile March


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Next time you think that you should just give up, remember this soldier and her never-give-up attitude.

At the conclusion of her 12 mile foot march, Army Capt. Sarah Cudd falls over and it seems as if she will not finish. But, somehow, she finds the strength to pick herself up and gets over the finish line (as seen in the video below).

The story:

CPT Sarah Cudd from Public Health Command, Fort Knox is only 1 of the 46 candidates who earned the EFMB yesterday at Fort Dix, NJ..27 April 2015. This is her last few seconds of the 12 Mile Foot March. The Foot March is the last event of the Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB), and must be completed within 3 hours. If you want it, you have to go get it. Watch this video. This EFMB candidate wanted it, and she got it. It took heart, guts, determination, falling down and getting up, and a little motivation from the crowd to get across the finish line.

The Washington Post reports that the march is the last event required to earn the Army’s Expert Field Medical Badge, a decoration awarded to those who are able to pass a series of rigorous tests for medical professionals in the Army.

80% of those who attempted to complete the course failed, but Cudd was not about to be one of them.