Home Desert Life WATCH: The crazy expensive Palm Springs Library chairs story made Jimmy Kimmel

WATCH: The crazy expensive Palm Springs Library chairs story made Jimmy Kimmel

WATCH: The crazy expensive Palm Springs Library chairs story made Jimmy Kimmel

Palm Springs made it onto the Jimmy Kimmel show Wednesday night.

Kimmel, who was once a Palm Springs morning radio host, highlighted the top story (!) on Local Two Tuesday night that had reporter Joe Galli – yes, that Joe Galli – covering the insanely expensive new chairs sought by the library in Palm Springs, a city that demanded a tax increase and doesn’t want to pay for the Buzz shuttle.  Priorities I guess.

“Meanwhile, with all this terrible stuff going on nationally and internationally, there are families worried about deportation, etc.,etc., it’s easy to forget, there’s a major crisis happening to us right now in Palm Springs, California.” Kimmel remarks before showing clips from the story.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the library and the patrons in Palm Springs,” Kimmel jokes as he throws it to his sidekick Guillermo to lead a prayer.

Galli seemed pretty stoked about making the late night show and, gracefully, gave credit where credit is due.