Home Entertainment WTF Weight Watchers new strategy: add cicadas to your meal!

Weight Watchers new strategy: add cicadas to your meal!

Weight Watchers new strategy: add cicadas to your meal!
weight watchers cicada
(Jessica Mills)

Weight Watchers has an interesting new strategy to get its customers to lose weight: add insects to their meals!

Jessica Mills, of Queens, New York, claims that she found a cicada in her Pasta with Ricotta and Spinach, Smart Ones Weight Watchers meal on Wednesday.

“I knew something was not right because the meal itself is not crunchy,” Mills told ABC News, noting she was eating lunch in her office. “All of a sudden you hear crunch. I reached into my mouth and pulled something out.”

Weight watchers cicada
(Jessica Mills)

“Every time I picture something green I don’t think I can eat it,” Mills said. “I’m really freaked out, and I eat a lot of vegetables.”

See, Weight Watchers sometimes works in mysterious ways.  Just look at all the calories she is shaving off now by not being able to eat?

But don’t worry, Mills called the company and they offered to give her not only the money back for her meal, but also a complimentary box!  Such a deal!  Heck, maybe this one will have two cicadas!

But, that was not good enough for Mills.

“I’m pretty sure I’m not going to purchase a new one or eat one for a while,” she told ABC News.

The Kraft Heinz Company told ABC News they are looking into the matter.