Home Desert Life What do You do on Weekends?

What do You do on Weekends?

What do You do on Weekends?


Living in the Coachella Valley in August is such a treat. It is hot, it is muggy, it is awful. So, what the hell do you do with your days off this time of year?

Now I get it, the headline says “weekends” but, it being a hospitality town and all, a lot of you get days off in the middle of the week – so please, for the sake of the question, just let the word “weekend” in this article include those days for you. And whatever your days off may be, what the hell do you do?

Sure, some are lucky to escape to the beach or something – but, that is expensive this time of year so you probably can’t do it all the time (thanks a lot for taking all of our disposable income electric company!).

A lot of people use this time to binge watch something on Netflix or go to the movies where the air conditioning alone can be worth the $13 price of admission. There is always the pool, but this time of year the water can really warm up to where you feel more like part of a chef’s simmering broth than cool and relaxed.  Restaurants and bars offer “summer specials” but, once again, even with the discounts, going out all the time can add up.

So what else do you do in the summer in The Coachella Valley?

Let us all know in the comments below so that maybe we can all figure out something to do than stream movies, swim, smoke weed, or go to the bar – and please, for the love of all that is good in this world, do NOT say anything about going hiking!