Home Entertainment What’s the best clean joke you know?

What’s the best clean joke you know?

What’s the best clean joke you know?

It’s a getaway day before a two or three or four day weekend (seriously, the 4th being on a Tuesday makes things so weird). Let’s get into the weekend with some laughs but add a degree of difficulty and make it only through clean jokes.

I went through my mental joke rolodex and, after discovering that I remember dozens hundreds thousands of dirty jokes, I debated between the three clean jokes I remember and deemed this one the best:

A guy goes into a psychiatrist in a panic.  “Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I’m a teepee; then I’m a wigwam; then I’m a teepee; then I’m a wigwam.  THEN I’M A TEEPEE; THEN I’M A WIGWAM!!!”

The doctor interrupts, “Calm down, man. You’re two tents.”

I will now pause for you to get your laughter under control.

So surely, you can do better.  Drop your best clean joke in the comments.