Home Cactus Hugs Partners What’s lunch got to do with it?

What’s lunch got to do with it?

What’s lunch got to do with it?
Ahi Tuna from Stuft Pizza Bar and Grille

The following is brought to you by Stuft Pizza Bar and Grill.

With apologies to Tina Turner, can we take a moment and talk about just how great it is to go out and have a rad weekday lunch for just a second?

For a lot of us, lunch is typically something you brown bagged from home or, worse, something you grab from a drive thru while on the run trying to get a few errands taken care of in a short enough time that your boss doesn’t freak out on you for being gone for so long. But, every once in a while, everything comes together and you get that chance to sit down, relax, have a great lunch, maybe even an adult beverage (!), and make that midday meal an incredibly enjoyable experience – and there’s no better spot to do that than Stuft Pizza Bar and Grille in Palm Desert and La Quinta.

Here are some reasons why?

Stuft Pizza has WiFi

Green Bean Fries at Stuft Pizza

Whether you are trying to get some work done or just catching up on your friend’s Instagram stories, logging into Stuft Pizza’s WiFi is easy. I know a lot of people think that working from a coffee shop is the way to go, but a working lunch at a bar is so much better. Have a beer while you complete that spreadsheet or go with an iced-tea and a steak salad while you catch up on email – and all while you watch live sports on one of Stuft’s many tv’s – which definitely beats whatever acoustic nightmare Starbucks is playing for entertainment.

Stuft Pizza is a great place for lunch meetings

There are tons of great appetizers to choose from at Stuft Pizza

Hey, meetings suck – but, they suck a whole lot less when there is great food and pizza involved. A staff lunch or a business meeting at Stuft can be a great choice as they have a diverse menu, so everyone will find something of their liking to order and there are plenty of booths in the restaurants and high tops in the bar to get together and talk shop.

Stuft Pizza has some seriously good lunch specials

Soup anyone? (Stuft Pizza)

Sure, you know Stuft Pizza has a rad Happy Hour, but their lunch menu is also legit. The star of the show is your own, individual pizza plus a drink for just nine bucks! But that’s not all, you can also get tacos for $8 or a Pick two for $11 where you get to choose from a big selection of sandwiches, pasta dishes, salads, sandwiches, and soup.  Of course, the regular menu is also available too.

Check out the lunch menu here.

Stuft Pizza has a great patio

Stuft Pizza is well known for their big selection of pizza

It stinks being stuck inside at your job when the weather is nice, so use that lunch break to get out and enjoy it.  Stuft has a large, shaded patio (with misters, when it starts warming up) and the Palm Desert spot lets you get in some great people watching of everyone coming and going from the Westfield mall.

Get all the info you need about Stuft Pizza Bar and Grill here.

Enjoy your lunch at Stuft Pizza!