Friday, residents of Palm Springs found an odd mailer personally attacking ‘Desert Sun’ Executive Editor Greg Burton. But who is behind the sleazy propaganda?
The mailer, which was sent to me by several Cactus Hugs readers who received the mailer Friday, featured a personal attack against an event in Burton’s life and had no return address. It was sent from Phoenix, Arizona to, what I am told, was just about every address in the city of Palm Springs. (note: I have chosen not to print the mailer or its contents…it is nothing more than a personal attack against a journalist and is not, in my opinion at least, news or even newsworthy.)
So who would spend the kind of coin to mail something attacking the editor of the local newspaper to every resident in the city of Palm Springs?
Hmmmm…what individual or individuals recently may have been angry with the local newspaper because of revelations that may be hurtful to their political aspirations in the city of Palm Springs? What company might not like The Desert Sun looking into its cozy relations with local politicians? Who would have the money to do such a thing…the kind of money that may go beyond paying politicians “consulting fees”?
Yup, it is quite a mystery.