Why is Bruce Springsteen posting Joshua Trees on his Instagram?

(instagram / @springsteen)

Bruce Springsteen’s Instagram feed posted a couple of mysterious pics of what appear to be Joshua Trees this week – so let’s take a moment to wildly speculate what the photos mean!

First, let’s look at the pics:

And another:

Got it? Okay, good. Onto the speculation…

Bruce is headlining the return of Desert Trip

Okay, don’t get too excited as this is almost definitely not the case, but dammit it would be awesome!!

So why no on this?  Well, there is this statement The Boss posted on Instagram back in December:

“Just a note to quell some of the rumors over here on E Street.  While we hope to be back with you soon, the E Street Band won’t be touring in 2019. Before I go back to my day job, the year will be consumed with a break after our Broadway run and various recording projects I’ve been working on. We do hope to see you soon, and until then, we have some mighty E Streeters out there regularly performing with their own projects who’d love and deserve your support.”

I know. Bummer right?

Bruce is working on something with U2

You know, because of that album they did.

Bruce is throwing shade at Miley Cyrus

I doubt this would be the case as Bruce seems waaaaay above this, but the timing seems right.

Bruce has a new album coming out

As EW points out, the two images keep with “the Southwestern imagery that pervades much of his work, including songs like ‘The Promised Land’ and “The Ghost of ‘Tom Joad’.”   This is clearly the most likely explanation.

Update: Looks like we have our answer…