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Is This The Worst Story Ever Told on Jeopardy


A physics student told, perhaps, the dumbest story in the history of Jeopardy on Tuesday (and that is saying a lot as Jeopardy contestants are not the most exciting people in the world).

Dan Tran, a physics student, filled Trebek and the world in on a travel story of the time he went to France….

“So when I was a senior in high school—I took French in high school—we went on an exchange trip and we arrived incredibly jet-lagged, no cappuccino could really save us in that regard. And uh, during an open air tour bus tour in Paris, I looked up and said to my friend ‘hey, you know, the moon looks pretty bright tonight/today’ and um, they just turned to me like ‘Dan, that’s not the moon, that’s the sun.’

‘And I was like, no guys it’s the sun.’ But um, but then you know it turned out it was actually the sun and not the moon and I still confuse it nowadays.”

Dan finished the game as co-champ and will return tomorrow – which means another amazing story could be on the way!

(H/T Uproxx)