Home National Politics California’s vaping Congressman gave a confusing interview about Trump

California’s vaping Congressman gave a confusing interview about Trump

California’s vaping Congressman gave a confusing interview about Trump

vape hunter

Rep. Duncan Hunter, California’s own vaping Congressman, not only loves himself some Jack in the Box but also some Donald Trump…well, I think.

Hunter, who was one of the first members of Congress to endorse Trump, was asked about his support for the orange windbag by the Washington Post and the whole thing ended up a confusing mess:

“I think he’ll be a great president. I think he’ll make good decisions on the economy, on the border, on national security, but it doesn’t mean we endorse what he says. I think what he says and what he’ll do are two different things.”

The Post reporter asked him, “So what should we believe when he says something? What should we believe when it comes out of his mouth?”

“What he said,” Hunter replied.

“But you just said you don’t necessarily believe what he says is what he’s going to do,” said the reporter.

“Right,” Hunter said. “True. But him talking about things and saying things about things is different than him saying what he’s going to do. I think he’ll do what he says he’s going to do. I’m not trying to parse words; I think he’ll do what he says he’s going to do. But he says things about things that I don’t endorse, and I’m not going to try to articulate for him.”

Ahh. Thanks for clearing that up, Congressman.