Home Food Gulps You Can Fill Up Whatever Container You Want With Slurpee This Saturday

You Can Fill Up Whatever Container You Want With Slurpee This Saturday

You Can Fill Up Whatever Container You Want With Slurpee This Saturday
Bring Your Own Cup Day at 7-Eleven


If you find drinking your Slurpee out of the mandatory 7-11 Slurpee cup to be too confining, your lucky day has arrived. Saturday, 7-11 is inviting customers to bring their own containers to fill up with Coke Slurpee (you can choose other flavors too – but why would you choose any Slurpee other than Coke Slurpee?).

It will run you $1.49 plus tax to fill up and whatever you bring to fill has to fit within the 10-inch cutout located near the Slurpee machine.


BYO Cup Day is this Saturday at 7-11 from 11am to 7pm.

(H/T Foodbeast)