Home Entertainment WTF Young people are now going cuckoo for snorting cocoa powder

Young people are now going cuckoo for snorting cocoa powder

Young people are now going cuckoo for snorting cocoa powder

When it comes to the trends of young people nowadays, I am not really all that up to speed – which is tough to do when you demand they get off your damn lawn every time they come near. But, this summer has been an eye opener into the world of teens and college students as just last week we learned that some of them are getting tan using Coca Cola. As if that weren’t enough, now it’s being reported that some are snorting cocoa powder.  Yeah.  They are putting chocolate up their noses.  On purpose!   Now pardon me a moment, I have to yell at a soda-tanned, choco-snorting teen to get off my damn lawn.

Okay, I’m back. The product is called “Coco Loko,” which is a blend of cocoa powder, taurine, guarana and other ingredients found in energy drinks, reports ABC News.

The maker claims Coco Loko, which I guess brings new meaning to the term “booger sugar,” can produce a state of euphoria similar to ecstasy and give you a steady rush of energy and motivation.

“Anyone who wants to party, dance and have a little extra energy…that’s mostly our market,” Nick Anderson, the owner of Legal Lean, told ABC.

Anderson was recently on Good Morning America and admitted that no one really knows how bad snorting chocolate is for people.

“I didn’t consult with any medical professionals,” Anderson said on GMA. “I basically just saw what was going on with Europe,” he added, referring to the popularity of similar products in nightclubs throughout the continent. “There were no health issues. It’s been out two, three years. . . . Everybody seems fine. It’s very popular. There’s really no negative publicity, so I felt we’re good to go.”

Weirdly, the FDA is not sure if they even have jurisdiction on the product, which, as of now, it totally legal to use and even available on Amazon – where the only verified reviewer called it “terrible” and a “waste of money.”