Twitter is not for everyone.
After a horrific weekend that saw a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia turn deadly, Indio’s Mayor Pro Tem Michael Wilson took to Twitter to let everyone know what the real problem in the United States is: liberals and the media (the tweet is screenshotted as Wilson, for some weird reason, deleted it).
Wilson also tweeted a conspiracy theory flyer (also deleted) and retweeted this:
Barack Obama denouncing racism is like Bill Clinton denouncing adultery.
— Mark Romano (@TheMarkRomano) August 12, 2017
Naturally, these things didn’t go over well and Wilson was called out by author Tod Goldberg and journalist Maggie Downs…
Would be nice to explain position face to face.
— Michael H. Wilson (@IndioCityWilson) August 16, 2017
You can't condemn Nazis without a face-to-face meeting? "Nazis are bad" requires just 13 characters.
— Maggie Downs (@downsanddirty) August 16, 2017
U are so stuck in the elitest liberal world that you can't understand sitting down and talking face to face. That's what real people do.
— Michael H. Wilson (@IndioCityWilson) August 16, 2017
I told you, Michael, my grandfather didn't escape from Russia so that I could dine with people who retweet anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
— Tod Goldberg (@todgoldberg) August 16, 2017
For the 6th time. and being so very polite about it, I'll buy u a Starbucks Coffee so u can see who I am. This has gotten insane.
— Michael H. Wilson (@IndioCityWilson) August 16, 2017
A woman was killed by Nazis and you said the real problem in the U.S. was the media and liberals. That's what you said.
— Tod Goldberg (@todgoldberg) August 16, 2017
It's deleted. I took responsibility by interviewing w/KMIR when I could have hidden from it. I've been way mis-characterized. Watch @430,5,6
— Michael H. Wilson (@IndioCityWilson) August 16, 2017
I'm done tweeting now. I respect why, @ face value, u and others took it wrong compared to my intent, believe me.I apologize.
— Michael H. Wilson (@IndioCityWilson) August 16, 2017
Wilson then announced he was going on TV to explain (because Twitter is hard, I guess):
Sitting down with KMIR for an interview on the mis-characterization of response 2 my tweets.I am open, honest,and explaining true intent.
— Michael H. Wilson (@IndioCityWilson) August 16, 2017
He then apologized (and it wasn’t face to face over Starbucks):
To whom it may concern: I condemn Nazi's, KKK, White Supremacy,Bigotry,and "all" hate groups.They have no place here or anywhere. #StopHate
— Michael H. Wilson (@IndioCityWilson) August 16, 2017