The city of La Quinta is getting in the Coachella Fest spirit a little early. Officials from the city unveiled a gigantic roadrunner art piece at the (sometimes annoying) traffic circle at Jefferson Street and Avenue 52.
“This will be iconic, because we can say hang a left at the roadrunner and head to Coachella Fest,” La Quinta Mayor Linda Evans (no, not her) told KESQ.
The bird is on loan from the promoter of Coachella for four years, Goldenvoice – who used the roadrunner last year as one it’s art installations (please tell me the mayor at least asked for the astronaut before she asked for the roadrunner!)

The mayor also humble bragged about going to Coachella last year, telling KESQ, “I saw it on the polo grounds and thought it would be an amazing addition to our city.”
The traffic circle may be the perfect place for a giant roadrunner – as many, many drivers are given the bird there after showing they have no idea how to correctly navigate a roundabout.