Palm Springs Mayor Robert Moon – who won last year’s election based mostly on the fact he was not Ginny Foat – gave a shout out to Cactus Hugs (I think) at this year’s State of the City Address. Sup, Mayor? Thanks for reading.
Here is the clip, cued up to 10:20 mark, where Moon (standing next to a giant egg?) mentions “some blogger” (you really only have to watch for 10 seconds):
Moon says, “some blogger the other day says our Palm Springs restaurants are overpriced and poor quality…ha! He was wrong!!”
Moon didn’t exactly get the quote right from the article, titled “Palm Springs Mayor is stoked on downtown’s barely passing grade” which was about how 3 of 10 tourists are not-at-all impressed with the city’s downtown area (guess those 30% of tourists were wrong too):
Downtown Palm Springs – a collection of mostly boring, bland, overpriced eateries and t-shirt shops – was given a pretty terrible grade by tourists visiting the area in a new study. The Mayor is thrilled about it.
Moon then mentioned some “incredible restaurants” like Eight4Nine (Uptown Design District), Frank In Bun (south of downtown), Mr. Lyons (south of downtown), Felipe’s (El Cielo), Dish (Uptown), Farmhouse (downtown), Palm House (downtown), Purple Room (E. Palm Canyon), Townie Bagels (Sunny Dunes).
You may have noted that only two of those nine eateries are actually in the downtown district – so, I guess this is where I get to say, “ha! He was wrong!!”
Of course it is also possible that Mayor Moon – should we just all him “some mayor” from now on – was referring to another blogger, but it sure seems like he was calling out Cactus Hugs with that remark. To which, cool. Thanks for reading, Mayor. Let us know what shirt size you wear.
Now that we have that out of the way, I am dying to know how Mayor Moon, did on this quiz!!!