Home Local Palm Desert A Palm Desert council candidate has the best campaign sign I’ve ever seen

A Palm Desert council candidate has the best campaign sign I’ve ever seen

A Palm Desert council candidate has the best campaign sign I’ve ever seen

After years of wasting taxpayer dollars and letting its shopping district slowly die, Palm Desert could desperately use a change on the City Council. One candidate running against the incumbents is Matt Monica who has quite the campaign sign up on Highway 111.

There’s a lot going on with what I would have to guess is a home made, one-of-a-kind sign – from the random changes in letter size (did the craft store not have all the larger letters?) to the multiple flag stickers, to the trio of actual flags that adorn the top of the sign.  It’s really quite remarkable.

And has anyone ever heard of Palm Desert being the “‘Flagship’ City” before?  I haven’t.  Yet, there it is on this majestic af campaign sign.

I’m honestly to the point where I don’t know if this is a campaign sign or a work of art worthy of being displayed with the Flagship City’s other art pieces in the center median of El Paseo.

If you want to see it (and you know you do), it’s at Highway 111 and San Luis Rey next to the 7-Eleven – where, hopefully, it stays through the next round of Desert X.