Home Local Palm Springs VIDEO: Palm Springs Mayor Flees From Reporter, Tries to Shut Door on Her Face

VIDEO: Palm Springs Mayor Flees From Reporter, Tries to Shut Door on Her Face


There are many questions people want to ask Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet about a potential conflict of interest with his business relationship with developer Richard Meaney and the hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to him in “consulting fees” – but they mayor was not about to answer any questions Wednesday night, instead choosing to flee from intrepid KESQ reporter Natalie Brunell.

After the city council meeting, Brunell chases Pougnet attempting to ask him questions. He heads for a door – which we are told he then attempted to shut (with Brunell still in it) without answering any of her questions.

The Mayor is definitely a man of the people.

Watch the entire segment here:

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