Home Desert Life 8 Things Palm Springs Locals Become During Summer

8 Things Palm Springs Locals Become During Summer

8 Things Palm Springs Locals Become During Summer


Summertime is here in The Coachella Valley which means plenty of hot temperatures and big changes for those who dare to live through it.

For Coachella Valley locals, that means they must become these things:


Why even have windows in your house during summer?  Considering you have to close them all damn day to keep the hot sun out.


It would be nice to have money to leave town.  Too bad the electric company is taking it all.

Binge Watchers

Netflix BingerYou are broke and living in a cave. What else are you going to do?


4 am clockWant do anything outside? Best set your lifestyle to “farmer hours”.’

Shade Hunters

Parking spaces, patios, pools – no matter where you are, all the shade MUST BE YOURS!

Race Car Drivers

That ice cream and milk you just bought at the grocery store needs to get into your fridge at home ASAP!!


It is cooler in the pool.


The pool is so nice, but the ground around it is so hot! You must try to avoid by any means possible!