Home News CA Man Suspected of Killing Ex’s Dog, Feeding it to Her

CA Man Suspected of Killing Ex’s Dog, Feeding it to Her

CA Man Suspected of Killing Ex’s Dog, Feeding it to Her

[media-credit name=”Redding Police cia LA Times” align=”aligncenter” width=”168″]ryan watenpaugh[/media-credit]
A 34-year-old man from Palo Cedro, California has been arrested on suspicion of killing and cooking his ex-girlfriend’s dog before secretly feeding it to her, according to authorities.

Ryan Watenpaugh was arrested Thursday on charges of animal cruelty, domestic violence, stalking and false imprisonment.

His ex-girlfriend told the cops that her Pomeranian went missing on August 4th, after a bad fight with Watenpaugh. When the two got back together during the first week in September, Watenpaugh allegedly cooked a meal for the couple, which included meat.

This past Sunday, the victim received a text message from Watenpaugh allegedly asking how the dog tasted, and he alluded to killing the dog and to feeding it to her. Then Tuesday, Watenpaugh is alleged to have left two of the dog’s paws on the victim’s front doorstep.

Watenpaugh has allegedly admitted to authorities that he sent the text messages and left the paws, but he denied killing or cooking the dog.