Home Festivals Desert Trip Calm the f**k down, Nobel Prize people

Calm the f**k down, Nobel Prize people

Calm the f**k down, Nobel Prize people


Bob Dylan was announced as the 2016 Nobel Prize winner in Literature on Friday. By Monday, the Swedish Acadamy – who is in charge of these things – began freaking out because Dylan had not returned their calls. Calm the fuck down, Swedish Academy.

“We have stopped trying — we said everything we needed to his manager and friend, he knows about us being eager having confirmation from him, but we haven’t heard anything back,” Odd Zschiedrich, the administrative director of the Swedish Academy, told CNN on Tuesday.

Not for nothing, I was an exhausted mess on Monday and I am about half Dylan’s age and I only attended Desert Trip – he played it. Oh, and he performed again Monday night in Vegas!

So yeah, chill the fuck out, Swedish Academy. Bob will get back to you if and when he damn well pleases.

In the meantime, maybe send him a Facebook invite.  Those are not annoying at all.