Home Local Cathedral City Cathedral City officials have shut down The Block Sports Bar

Cathedral City officials have shut down The Block Sports Bar

Cathedral City officials have shut down The Block Sports Bar

The Block Sports Bar has been shut down by Cathedral City officials.

The bar, which has been the site of two recent shootings, was closed Thursday, reports The Desert Sun. A city spokesman told the newspaper the bar’s business license lapsed in April and the owners did not try to renew it.

The Block can re-open, but will have to apply as a new business – which will require multiple reviews by local and public safety officials.

In March, two men were shot in the bar’s parking lot.  Just a few weeks ago, a man was shot twice inside the bar.  In June of 2016, three men attacked a man in the bar’s parking lot, leaving him in coma which would end up proving fatal.


There was no comment from anyone associated with the bar.