Home News Chad Mayes was sent a sliced up autographed Clippers basketball by a fellow Republican

Chad Mayes was sent a sliced up autographed Clippers basketball by a fellow Republican

Chad Mayes was sent a sliced up autographed Clippers basketball by a fellow Republican

Things are clearly going great in the California Assembly these days.

The Press Enterprise details an incident where Republican Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez cut up a basketball and sent to to fellow Republican Chad Mayes in back April.

Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore, sponsored legislation to extend the “revolving door” ban on legislature members becoming lobbyists from one year after leaving elected office to five years.

Melendez thought her bill, AB 359, had Mayes’ support. But when the bill got an April 10 hearing in the Assembly’s elections and redistricting committee, Mayes, who sits on the committee, opposed it.

After her bill failed to make it out of committee, Melendez cut up a signed Clippers team basketball that Mayes gave her and sent it back to him in a pink gift bag with a hand-written note, according to Dan Morain’s CALmatters column and the California Globe.

“Regrettably, I am returning the basketball you gave to me. It has been shredded and is now completely worthless, just like your word. Be Best, Melissa,” the note read.

Daaaaamn, Assemblywoman Melendez!

Meanwhile, Mayes end up being responsible for running IID out of the Coachella Valley all for one solar company, which could result in higher electrical prices for thousands of customers – which would be awful, but, thanks to Assemlywoman Melendez, we all know what we can send to his office to show our displeasure.