Home Desert Life City of Coachella Check out this old school Coachella jail

Check out this old school Coachella jail

Check out this old school Coachella jail

The City of Coachella posted an old school image of a structure that was used as a jail back 150 years ago earlier this week and I have not been able to stop thinking about it.

Here is the post:


Holy crap.  Look at that thing!  Seriously, look at it.  That was a jail.  A jail!!!

So many questions!  Did people get locked up just so they could be in the shade?  Or was it the opposite, where no one wanted to get locked up because the building appears to have zero ventilation?  Did they build it next to a County Fair like Indio just did?  Is this thing still around somewhere? Can I try to rent it out to a group of hipsters coming to Coachella Fest?

Anyhoo, it is always cool to see a little Coachella Valley history.