About 150 concerned citizens flocked to the Palm Springs Convention Center Monday night to voice concerns that a downtown building project – receiving $43 million in taxpayer money – is being constructed by a company, Wessman Development, whose recently retired head allegedly bribed the former mayor of the city. The current city council showed Monday night that they could care less that you are concerned about that.
The words of the Council, via Desert Sun:
“It may not be a perfect project, but I think it will be a successful project, and I think it needs to be completed,” Councilman J.R. Roberts told a crowd of about 150 residents gathered in a ballroom at the Palm Springs Convention Center Monday night.
“It’s done and it’s moving ahead, and needs to be finished,”echoed Mayor Robert Moon.
“There are negative people about this project that have been the same negative voices that we’ve heard for the 16 years I’ve been sitting here. And it’s not going to change. And this unfortunate situation, in my mind, just gives that group of people, that group of negativity, another option to come up to this microphone and tear this city apart.”
The city did nothing at the meeting other than announce that they have hired a high priced attorney (Yay! More tax dollars spent!) to serve as an adviser on matters dealing with violations of the state’s conflict of interest laws.
A little late for that, no?
The next election in Palm Springs is in November.