Home Local Palm Springs Jason Momoa (and his lucky shirt) had to make an emergency landing in Palm Springs

Jason Momoa (and his lucky shirt) had to make an emergency landing in Palm Springs

Jason Momoa (and his lucky shirt) had to make an emergency landing in Palm Springs

Aquaman himself, Jason Momoa, made a surprise appearance in Palm Springs on Tuesday after a plane he was on reported an engine fire.

It turned out to b e a false alarm, but it did give a chance for a cool post by the Palm Springs Professional Firefighters Local 3601.

The emergency landing for the flight, which was supposed to be a quick LA to Phoenix jaunt, took place a little after 9 am, according to the Desert Sun – and is wild since the Dothraki King had earlier posted that he was wearing his lucky aloha shirt.

Glad he is alright and he should probably throw away that shirt.