Wednesday was a weird night. First, news broke that a winning Powerball ticket was sold in Chino Hills – which led to a huge crowd descending upon a 7-Eleven for reasons that no one can fully understand. Then, there was this guy who posted to Instagram that he, in fact, was the $1.5 billion jackpot winner:
Erik Bragg — posting as “ThisGuysTheLimit” on Instagram — quickly posted this photo with a caption stating, “I WON $1.5 BILLION!!!!! I’m posting this in case anyone tries to jack me this is proof! Look it up I bought in chino hills where I grew up!”
So, is he actually the winner?
Probably not.
As many have noticed, lines B-E are missing from the ticket – with only line A showing up on the ticket – meaning it is most likely a photoshop job.
Also, would you really want everyone on the internet to know you have a piece of paper worth over a billion dollars before cashing it in? Yeah, me neither.