Home Local Palm Springs More Traffic Signals and Stop Signs are Coming to Palm Springs

More Traffic Signals and Stop Signs are Coming to Palm Springs

More Traffic Signals and Stop Signs are Coming to Palm Springs


Oh joy! The snail trail you sit in everyday is getting just what it needed to make your slow-as-molasses drive through Palm Springs even more frustrating: up to 8 new intersections with stoplights or stop signs!

The Desert Sun reports that the city of Palm Springs is considering using $600,000 of Measure J funds to add traffic signals to the following intersections:

  • La Verne Way and South Palm Canyon Drive
  • Racquet Club and Cerritos
  • Escuela and Palm Canyon

And 4-way-stop signs to:

  • Amado Road and Calle Alvarado
  • Via Escuela and North Palm Canyon Drive
  • Eastgate and Rosa Parks roads
  • Murray Canyon Drive and South Palm Canyon Drive
  • Sonora Road and Calle Palo Fierro

The added stops are being done with pedestrians in mind with the city receiving 288 suggestions from residents about which intersections needed lights and signs. Then commissioners reportedly worked with local business and hospitality officials, residents, police and engineers to identify “finalists” – but, no one ever asked you did they? Because thy never do.

Not sure why pedestrians would need extra crosswalks, seeing as how the clusterfuck that is CV Link will allow people to walk all the way from Palm Springs to Arizona…or something.  And as far as vehicles go, I am really not sure why anyone bothers to even put stop signs up in this town.