Joshua Tree National Park was challenged today by the Santa Monica Mountains to a Twitter haiku battle, or as they have taken to calling it, a #nationalparkpoetryslam. Joshua Tree accepted and things have gotten pretty intense.
It all started with this tweet from the Santa Monica Mountains:
Hey, Joshua Tree
Up for a friendly battle?
Can you write haikus?@JoshuaTreeNPS #nationalparkpoetryslam #findyourhaiku— Santa Monica Mtns (@SantaMonicaMtns) August 4, 2016
Joshua Tree was quick to accept:
Our cacti are sharp
Our coyotes are clever
Ready to battle! @SantaMonicaMtns #nationalparkpoetryslam #findyourhaiku #NPWest— Joshua Tree NPS (@JoshuaTreeNPS) August 4, 2016
And, well things really took off from there. Here are some highlights:
Other National Parks have also joined in…
Summer in the woods
Some blaze their trails in a blink
Others, not so much #nationalparkpoetryslam #crashingtheparty pic.twitter.com/vVT7ow1zUX— YellowstoneNPS (@YellowstoneNPS) August 4, 2016
Rangers ridin' in style, goin' the sun mile, smile! @JoshuaTreeNPS @SantaMonicaMtns #nationalparkpoetryslam pic.twitter.com/8Y83XTpolV
— GlacierNationalPark (@GlacierNPS) August 4, 2016
We are feeling the call
of our 3 million acres of wilderness
and lack of trails
and doing free form@JoshuaTreeNPS— Death Valley NP (@DeathValleyNPS) August 4, 2016
Just another reason to love America’s amazing National Parks.