The Palm Springs Mayor did a good thing


Palm Springs Mayor Robert Moon said something that made sense at a city council meeting last night. Since these types of statements are rare for the city’s public officials – and because Moon is an avid reader of Cactus Hugs – I wanted to point it out and commend the Mayor for his actions.

It happened when the council was discussing whether Uber and Lyft should be allowed to pick up passengers at the Palm Springs Airport – which, if they are good enough for LAX, they surely should be good enough for Sand Town USA, right? Wrong. 4 out of 5 council members voted to delay a decision on the matter. The only one who voted against the postponement was the Mayor.

“This is the future, this is what young people are doing, and I’m going to support this,” Mayor Robert Moon said during the meeting (via Desert Sun).

Thanks for using logic, Mr. Mayor.  I guess until 2 more council members figure it out, everyone will just have to keep walking across the street for an Uber.