Palm Desert Mall Food Court Restaurants Ranked

Food Court Tables 2

This list ranks in descending order, from worst to best, the restaurants found in the Food Court at The Westfield Mall, Palm Desert. (Places not located in the food court at the mall like Richie’s, Stuft, Spud Monster, etc. not included – because I said so).

This list is final, no sharing & no substitutions

13) Mrs. Fields

Can’t hate on Mrs. Fields’ cookies.  They are delicious. They end up at the bottom of the list just because they really do not offer a meal of any kind.

12) Jamba Juice

See Mrs. Fields

11) Fuji Japan


10) sbarro

Food Court sbarro

Would you like some crappy tasting pizza that was made who knows how long ago?  At least they are nice enough to “crisp it up” for you.

9) Subway

There is a Subway located in every mall in America, so I guess that is why there is one in Palm Desert too.

8) Thai Go

Lines are usually pretty short here and that is because it isn’t anyone’s first (or second or third or fourth) choice.

7) Oki Sushi

The sushi here is not too bad and pretty much everything on the menu is under $9.  Employees are nice and everything tastes pretty fresh.  So why are they not ranked higher?  Sushi is not meant to be eaten in a food court.  It is just not.

6) McDonald’s

Food Court Mickey D 1
It is McDonald’s.  That’s it.

5) Rubio’s

For fast food, the fish tacos are decent – and they have a salsa bar!

4) Hot Dog on a Stick

A corn dog should not have to take 33 minutes to make, but they like to give them to you fresh all while wearing those totally not-ridiculous uniforms.

3) Panda Express

I know that the orange chicken is full of salt, fat, and sugar – but I do not care.  It is delicious.  Why they serve anything else here, I have no idea.

2) Charley’s

Not the best Philly Cheesesteak you will ever have, but not the worst.  How does anyone go to Subway with this place being just a few feet away?  Also, why do they offer salads here?

1) Garden Grill

Food Court Garden
They do not belong in the food court – and that is a compliment.  Their food is fresh and tasty.  Best of all, it does not have the “cooked hours ago and put under a heat lamp” feel that just about every other food court joint has.

Garden Grill Panini (via Yelp)
Garden Grill Panini (via Yelp)

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