The members of the Palm Springs City Council are getting their own offices for the FBI to raid to meet with constituents about important issues like shopping carts and leaf blowers. The city is making sure to not spend much on the project, so let’s help them out by donating our old shitty previously owned furniture!
The Desert Sun talked to City Manager David Ready about the spending on the offices:
Ready did not give an exact monetary figure for the project, but said he thought the entire project would cost the city a few thousand dollars. If the project goes over $25,000, the matter will be put on the city council agenda and council will have to vote to approve the funds before the project can continue.
Yes, clearly Ready is someone who wants to make sure the City of Palm Springs does not overpay for anything…well, almost anything.
And while it’s always nice to help out your friendly neighborhood office furniture store, perhaps we can go further and help out the city by donating all of your old couches, chairs, futons, and desks so they can instead spend that cash on cops, services, parks, and events.
It is the least we can do to thank them for all the time they take in reading your damn emails!