Home Local Palm Springs Palm Springs man arrested after dog left in hot, locked car dies

Palm Springs man arrested after dog left in hot, locked car dies

Palm Springs man arrested after dog left in hot, locked car dies

A Palm Springs man was arrested on Sunday after police say his dog died after he left it in his locked vehicle.

Police were called to Smoke Tree Lane about 2:40 pm and found several “hysterical” people who led them to the car, according to a release. Once there, deputies were met by the vehicle’s owner, Brent White, who opened the door of the car, but it was too late as the dog lay motionless dog inside.

Sunday’s temperature was 70 degrees at 2:40 pm, but the temperature inside of the car was well over 86 degrees, according to police. The dog’s body temperature was registered at 104 degrees by a local emergency clinic.

Authorities say the animal was left in the locked vehicle with no air, and was out of water for at least three hours. They say the animal died of heat exhaustion.

White, 38 of Palm Springs, was arrested for great bodily injury to an animal left unattended in a vehicle.