Palm Springs will spend $5.5 million to turn Indian Canyon into a 2-way road

Big changes hardly anyone was asking for are coming to Indian Canyon Drive in Palm Springs at a cost of $5.5 million.

The city will begin converting a two mile stretch of the road through downtown Palm Springs from four lanes that currently allow for an easy flow of traffic heading northbound to a more congested mess consisting of two northbound lanes, one southbound lane, and a turn lane between East Camino Parocela and Alejo Road, notes KMIR.

Palm Springs Mayor Pro Tem J.R. Roberts told the TV station that about half a million dollars for the project will come from the city’s Measure J fund sales tax increase with the remaining $5 million coming from state gas tax grants.  Now sure, that sounds like a lot of money to make traffic totally shitty and could probably have been better spend on literally anything else – but, Palm Springs just can’t stop being Palm Springs.

According to KESQ, the reason for the conversion, which the city has been looking to do for years now, is to reduce congestion downtown, especially for those couple of hours a week when Palm Canyon drive is closed for street fairs or the even rarer times it’s closed for parades.