Home California Southern California Pasadena Mom Paints Car to Help Find Kidney Donor for Her Daughter

Pasadena Mom Paints Car to Help Find Kidney Donor for Her Daughter

Pasadena Mom Paints Car to Help Find Kidney Donor for Her Daughter

Car Painted for Jenna's Kidney

A Southern California mother is doing everything she can to find a kidney donor for her daughter.

Karol Franks is mom to 29-year-old Jenna Franks.  Jenna was diagnosed with a rare urological disease that destroyed her kidneys when she was just 15 years old.

Karol has been doing everything possible to find her daughter a match – from creating a Facebook page to posting flyers in Pasadena to Craigslist ads to to uploading this YouTube video in 2012:

Jenna’s story, as presented out her family’s Facebook page:

Jenna began dialysis as a senior in high school, and it continued for more than 3 years until she received a kidney transplant 7 years ago.

That kidney has petered out, and Jenna has started dialysis again.

The statistics are depressing: more than 101,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for kidney transplants. The list grows by nearly 7,000 patients a year. Fewer than 17,000 kidneys are transplanted annually. Most come from accident and stroke victims or living relatives.

About 1,800 a year come from other unrelated donors, mostly family friends.

Last week, Karol painted the back window of the family’s SUV saying, “DAUGHTER NEEDS KIDNEY TYPE O” along with her email address kidney4jenna@gmail.com.

Tatum Bateman posted the photo and the picture quickly went viral on Twitter.

Hopefully, this will lead to a donor for Jenna.