Yesterday’s high temperature in Palm Springs was reported to be 105 degrees. Add to that some humidity and direct sun and the last thing that 99.9% of human beings would think is: “hey, let’s go for a hike”. But then there is always that .1% that just has to be ridiculous. The Press Enterprise reports that yet another rescue operation occurred in the trails above Palm Springs:
Heat exhaustion overcame a 22-year-old Palm Springs woman during a desert hike, city police say.
The rescue effort began at 1:50 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, with a report of a hiker complaining of weakness along Lykken Trail.
At 2:25 p.m., Palm Springs Police Mounted Search and Rescue volunteers found the woman at the 2,600-foot level of the trail. A helicopter crew flew her to a hospital for treatment.
Look people, desert trails are amazing and so great for hiking – just not when it is not a billion degrees. Maybe stay in and read a book, binge on some Netflix, or do anything else that won’t kill you & put the lives of rescuers in danger.