Home Entertainment WTF San Diego Concert Featured Dude Going Down on a Naked Chick on Stage

San Diego Concert Featured Dude Going Down on a Naked Chick on Stage

San Diego Concert Featured Dude Going Down on a Naked Chick on Stage

14301_10152979994095638_8246704547693618413_n The Dead Kennedys performed Thursday night at San Diego’s Belly Up Tavern – but it was the guy who went down that stole the night.

A very NSFW photo hit Reddit showing a naked woman lying on the stage while some guy (a boyfriend maybe?) ate her out.


As for the crowd, it seemed to not be a really big deal at all. A guy named Chris told ABC 10, “I think it was more an oddity, people just saw something strange for a few minutes,” Chris said.

The Belly Up says they kicked the couple out, but witnesses say the act when on for quite a while – all with security doing nothing.

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Surprisingly, nothing illegal may have happened. ABC 10 called the sheriff’s department to ask if the couple would face charges. A spokesperson for the cops referred to PC 314, which states that any person who exposes his or herself in a public place can face a misdemeanor if others are “offended or annoyed” – but no one in the crowd complained, so no violation.