Home Holidays Christmas Santa’s Village shooting to open this Thanksgiving Weekend

Santa’s Village shooting to open this Thanksgiving Weekend

Santa’s Village shooting to open this Thanksgiving Weekend


Santa might be back in the San Bernardino mountains in time for your to pay him a visit Thanksgiving Weekend.

Crews are working furiously to have the attraction ready to open in time for the holiday season – which has been a challenge as some of the materials for the park, such as the ice skating rink, are currently somewhere in the Pacific Ocean being shipped in.

“We had hoped to be open on November 1, but clearly we are not going to make that,” Bill Johnson, project manager, told the Press Enterprise.

While the Skypark at Santa’s Village has ambitious plans to open a 153-acre-park – such as a zipline course and bike trails – the plan for Phase 1 is to open the Santa’s Village area only with a temporary use permit. This, as the newspaper notes, will limit attendance to 300 parking spaces – or about 1,000 people. By next year, the attraction hopes to double this with additional parking.


The park is working to have a sign installed at the bottom of the mountain alerting drivers if the park is full, before the drive up.

Tickets prices, which are set to go on sale on November 1,  are set at $59 for adults and $49 for seniors and children 12 and under.