Home Local Beaumont Former Beaumont City Manager, Police Chief, 5 more charged with corruption

Former Beaumont City Manager, Police Chief, 5 more charged with corruption


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A year after authorities raided city hall, seven former Beaumont city officials have been charged with public corruption.

Those charged are former City Manager Alan Kapanicas, former Police Chief Francis Dennis “Frank” Coe Jr., former Economic Development Director David William Dillon, former Public Works Director Deepak Moorjani, former Planning Director Ernest Alois Egger, former Finance Director William Kevin Aylward and former City Attorney Joseph Sandy Aklufi – according to the Press Enterprise.

Kapanicas has been charged with a whopping 33 felonies: embezzlement by a public official, misappropriation of funds and conspiracy.

The Desert Sun breaks down how some of their schemes are said to have worked:

Kapanicas and Moorjani both held second jobs as the executives of consulting firms, General Government Management Services and Urban Logic Consultants, respectively. Both men had used their city positions to approve payments from the bond money to their own companies, the audit said.

Aylward’s money-making scheme was even less complex. As finance director, he was responsible for the accounting of city bonds, from which he just paid himself directly, billing the city for working with the bond money. Essentially, Aylward paid himself more money for doing the job he already had.

A press conference with the Riverside County District Attorney is scheduled for 3 p.m.

And, because I know you are curious, the #PouGhazi raid on the city of Palm Springs will see its one year anniversary on September 1.   These investigations take a little time.