Home Local Palm Springs Several people pepper sprayed, 1 tased in downtown Palm Springs

Several people pepper sprayed, 1 tased in downtown Palm Springs

Several people pepper sprayed, 1 tased in downtown Palm Springs

Four to five people were treated after being pepper sprayed during multiple incidents in downtown Palm Springs during VillageFest Thursday night, according to KESQ.

Police were called to an area near South Palm Canyon and East Tahquitz along with another area south of Palm Canyon a little before 10 pm.

Palm Springs Police told the TV station that a man pepper-sprayed a group of people, then fled with a man who was pepper sprayed chasing after him. During the chase, the man who was sprayed got in an argument with a woman. He was noncompliant with police and was “drive stunned,” a form of taster that doesn’t fire projectiles.

The tased man and the man suspected of pepper spraying were arrested.

Additional details were not released.  Check back for updates.