Home Events Desert X So you should probably go ahead and skip this Desert X installation until the storm passes

So you should probably go ahead and skip this Desert X installation until the storm passes

So you should probably go ahead and skip this Desert X installation until the storm passes
(Desert X)

Officials have issued a warning that it would not be wise for anyone to check out one of the more unique Desert X art installations until after the rain has moved through the Coachella Valley.

Revolutions, a virtual reality piece (you can check out our guide here) is located on Coachella Valley Water District land – which happens to be in a floodplain – which isn’t exactly the best spot to be in during a storm.

“The Desert X exhibit titled ‘Augmented Reality’ is located on CVWD land”, CVWD wrote on Facebook. “CVWD denied Desert X’s request for a permit that would allow the exhibit on that site because it is unsafe. The land is located in the floodplain and in the event of a heavy rain, such as that predicted this week, parking and/or standing at that site is extremely dangerous.”

Rain is expected late Wednesday through Thursday, then more later in the weekend – so it would be best to save this one for next week.

For those who really, really want to check out the virtual reality Desert X installation, the artist has another similar one at the Salton Sea.