Home Local Palm Springs Some douche told Christy Holstege she was ‘too pretty to be a council member’

Some douche told Christy Holstege she was ‘too pretty to be a council member’

Some douche told Christy Holstege she was ‘too pretty to be a council member’

It’s rare that you find a person under the age of 150 serving on city council in the Coachella Valley, but Palm Springs has an exception in Christy Holstege, a civil litigation attorney with a practice focused on serving underserved communities of the Coachella Valley. Holstege has served on the boards of several organizations including Well of the Desert and Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest and as a member of the Palm Springs Homelessness Task Force and Commissioner of the Palm Springs Human Rights Commission. She was instrumental in getting Palm Springs to finally allow Uber and Lyft to pick you up at at the airport and she also, unfortunately, has to deal with some gross comments. 

She deserves much better than that.