Home Cactus Hugs Thank you for being so amazing

Thank you for being so amazing

Thank you for being so amazing

Sorry to get all mushy on you, but you are amazing.

It’s been a hell of a seven-day stretch here on Cactus Hugs – and it’s all thanks to you! And I couldn’t be more thankful. Some of the highlights:

  • You guys came out to two awesome, local breweries and, together, we all raised over $5,000 for those affected by the hurricanes.  This is, by far, the best thing that happened.
  • We had the most visitors in the history of Cactus Hugs over a seven-day stretch.  You clicked and you shared and you commented and you clicked on the ads and, well, you were just plain awesome about everything!
  • We had a ton of new likes on Facebook and follows on Twitter over this stretch.  This is very cool of you to do as we know it takes a lot of time and energy to like or follow on social media ????.
  • We added a new talented contributor, we had another amazing writer step up to tell me what an idiot I am, and we will be streaming fucking KAABOO this weekend so you can watch it for free!

Anyway, when I started up Cactus Hugs all those years ago, okay it was three years ago, I could have never imagined it would grow this big, this fast – and it’s all because of you and I really appreciate it.

None of this would be possible without you.  Thank you for your continued support of Cactus Hugs.

