A whole fleet of rentable scooters showed up overnight in Palm Springs and while those looking for a quick and easy way to make short trips may be happy, the city seems, ummm, not happy.
Cactus Hugs received an email about the arrival scooters from Bird staff this morning. KESQ got the same email and called their story “exclusive” which is hilarious and typical Palm Springs media and, perhaps, the subject of a post for another day.
Anyway, the scooters are now available to ride by using an app to rent them out for a buck plus 20 cents per minute, but probably not for long as also surprised by the arrival of Bird scooters is the city of Palm Springs, according to the Desert Sun.
“The Bird fleet does not have a business license and did not seek permission from the city to bring their fleet here,” city spokeswoman Amy Blaisdell said.
Enforcement is expected to be discussed tonight in closed session, which starts at 4:30 at City Hall, Blaisdell said.
So will the city take swift action and ban the scooters from the city? Probably. Which would be surprising coming from a town that takes over four months and $85,000 to investigate Mayor Buzzkill’s alleged secret camera (seriously tho, what’s the deal with that?) and remember these are the same people that took forever to allow Uber at the airport and killed the Buzz shuttle before bringing it back within the same year.
Update: the city did what we predicted they would.