Home Desert Life Things to do in Palm Springs this weekend

Things to do in Palm Springs this weekend

Things to do in Palm Springs this weekend

Welcome to Things to do in Palm Springs This Weekend – which, we are still posting, because we haven’t missed a week since shortly after we started this website. Be safe. Be smart. Be at a good social distance from everyone.

Things to do in Palm Springs This Weekend (4/10 – 4/12)

1) Stay at Home

Yeah, so this goes without saying nowadays, but everyone who is not essential needs to stay home.  For those who work in the healthcare industry and other essential jobs like first responders, grocery store employees, delivery people, postal workers, etc. – just know that we thank you and you are so very appreciated.  As for everyone at home.  Here’s a listing of online performances by artists and DJs and it’s also CouchChella, so maybe spend some time watching the new Coachella documentary.

2) Volunteer or Donate

If you are able to, find a way to help those in need.  There are Facebook groups that have organized efforts to do everything from make masks for healthcare workers to grabbing groceries for those who are most at risk.  Nextdoor will allow you to register as a helper home.  You can also donate money.  There are lots of great organizations that are very deserving.  There are, unfortunately, also scammers too.  Just be sure you are donating to someone legit before handing over your money.

3) Support a Local Restaurant

Delicious pizza from Polo Pizza in Indio (plus a surprise appearance by my cat, Wally!)

If you are able to, order some takeout or delivery from one of our awesome local restaurants.  The men and women still working to feed you are awesome and plenty are offering up their regular menus, specials, and some have Easter offerings this weekend.  In these crazy times, having a good meal can being a lot of comfort (I know our tasty pie from Polo Pizza this week did), plus you can get booze to go now, so you have that going for you.

4) Give Blood

The local blood banks still need blood.  Desperately.  Just be sure to make an appointment and cover your face.

5) Be Kind

These days, everyone is, to some degree, stressed out, nervous, anxious, and sad. Be nice to each other. Reach out to your family, loved ones, and friends.  Let them know you are thinking about them.  They will definitely appreciate it.

Thank you for your support.  Be safe.